What happened to The Early Draft?

BlogMy blog site, The Early Draft, once seemed like a thriving and growing venue to share my writing and ideas. But after three years interest seemed to dwindle. Comments on “The Early Draft” dried up. Maybe you all just got bored or too busy to comment.

It’s difficult for me to post publicly when I don’t feel I’m reaching readers. Regardless of the lack of comments, my blog traffic has been up, up, up this year. I think that has to do with a lot of misguided porn-seekers, looking at my yearly lesbian nudes, which are beautiful but not pornographic. But you know, the porn seekers are no fun. They hit my pages, and then I don’t know what they do. I don’t want to know what they do. They don’t comment, I can tell you that much.

Luckily, at  the time I noticed the declining interest in The Early Draft, I was asked to blog on a regular basis for Lesbian.com, and soon I was able to hook up a regular blogging gig with The Huffington Post.

The traffic and comments are amazing in these venues. On my latest Huffington Post blog, if I count Facebook “Likes” and Facebook “Shares,” more than 1,000 people read the article in a 24-hour period and more than 150 shared comments (not all of them supportive.) These are only the readers I know about because they bothered to click on the FB icons or they bothered to comment. I have no idea how many total hits my article received. Now that’s engagement. It isn’t always fun, as with the Huffington Post especially, I need to be topical and controversial if I’m going to generate those kinds of numbers. And I hate it when people disagree with me. With Lesbian.com, I can be more entertaining, although that website, too, is good for the “idea” blogs.

Still sometimes I miss expressing myself here on The Early Draft. I’m just not sure anyone is reading it anymore. Are you? Let me know if you are or if you would like to should I start telling stories here again. In the meantime, if you’re interested, below are links to my most recent posts on Lesbian.com and The Huffington Post.

“The Six-Month Crest Test” was posted on Lesbian.com this week. It continues the story of me and my ex-gf, Jan. I hope this one will make you laugh.

“So What if Homosexuality WERE a Choice?” was posted on The Huffington Post this week. Apparently, you will either be totally with me on this or think I’m an asshole for even thinking in the way that I do. There is a very good chance that I am that asshole… 🙂

Talk to you soon, I hope.


  1. I always enjoy reading your submissions, regardless of how I happen to receive them. You trigger deeper reflection into my own experiences, as well as touching upon topics that I find interesting. Invest in whichever venue supports your creative and personal growth the most… I will keep reading and commenting in support of those endeavors.


    • Thank you, Kristina, for being such a supportive friend. In my writing endeavors. I really appreciate all you do. Even when you whip my ass in Words with Friends.


      • You keep challenging me. I thoroughly enjoy Words With Friends whether I win or you whip my ass. Glad we have the opportunity to get to know one another… Im thankful I discovered your work out here in that crazy world we call the Internet.


      • Thank you, Kris. Whenever I win a game against you, which is rare, I feel as if I’ve really accomplished something. You’re one of the toughest players out there. I’m glad, too, the internet was able to bring us together. Sometimes, the net can be a good thing. 🙂


  2. I do still read it–just don’t get online that much during planting season, especially when we have such great weather. I enjoy your writing, in any venue. Thanks for the links!


    • Bridget, Thanks for replying. It’s great to see you here again. Sometimes I think I just blog too much in too many venues. People are busy. I’m glad you still enjoy reading my stuff. 🙂


  3. Hi Cindy. I still do read and and enjoy your blog but have fallen a little behind in commenting. Huffington-Post…pretty awesome though! I will be checking that out. And since I am sometimes accused of being a gay male lesbian, I will definitely check out Lesbian.COM too!


    • Hi Erik,

      Gay male lesbians are like my favorite thing in the world. I love that you take time to read my work. We’re all so busy these days that it takes a great effort to take that time. I sincerely thank you, Erik. Hope all is well. And Happy Anniversary to you and your guy. xo


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